Dieses Bild zeigt Laura Balangé

Laura Balangé


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Ingenieurgeodäsie Stuttgart
Fakultät 6: Luft- und Raumfahrtechnik und Geodäsie


Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D
70174 Stuttgart

  1. Haag, P., Balangé, L., Di Bari, R., Braun, K., Weißert, J., Zhang, L., Schwieger, V., Leistner, P., Kropp, C., & Jünger, H. C. (2024). Development of the Holistic Quality Model and Assessment – Integrating the Economic Quality Aspect and establishing an Extended Interrelation Analysis. Developments in the Built Environment, 100511. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100511
  2. Kannenberg, F., Zechmeister, C., Gil Pérez, M., Guo, Y., Yang, X., Forster, D., Hügle, S., Mindermann, P., Abdelaal, M., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Weiskopf, D., Gresser, G. T., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Knippers, J., & Menges, A. (2024). Toward reciprocal feedback between computational design, engineering, and fabrication to co-design coreless filament-wound structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 11(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcde/qwae048
  3. Balangé, L., Sprügel, N., & Schwieger, V. (2023). Segmentierung und Modellierung von Fasern für die Qualitätssicherung von Faserverbundsystembauteilen mittels terrestrischem Laserscanning. In A. Wieser (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum 20. Internationalen Ingenieurvermessungskurs Zürich 2023. Wichmann VDE Verlag, Berlin. https://www.vde-verlag.de/buecher/537734/ingenieurvermessung-23.html
  4. Gil Pérez, M., Mindermann, P., Zechmeister, C., Forster, D., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Kannenberg, F., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Menges, A., Gresser, G. T., & Knippers, J. (2023). Post-processed and normalized data sets for the data processing, analysis, and evaluation methods for co-design of coreless filament-wound structures. DaRUS. https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3449
  5. Gil Pérez, M., Zechmeister, C., Kannenberg, F., Mindermann, P., Balangé, L., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Gienger, A., Forster, D., Bischoff, M., Tarín, C., Middendorf, P., Schwieger, V., Gresser, G. T., Menges, A., & Knippers, J. (2023). Object model data sets of the case study specimens for the computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre-polymer composite structures. DaRUS. https://doi.org/10.18419/darus-3375
  6. Gil Pérez, M., Mindermann, P., Zechmeister, C., Forster, D., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Kannenberg, F., Balangé, L., Schwieger, V., Middendorf, P., Bischoff, M., Menges, A., Gresser, G. T., & Knippers, J. (2023). Data processing, analysis, and evaluation methods for co-design of coreless filament-wound building systems. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 10(4), Article 4. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcde/qwad064
  7. Zhang, L., Balangé, L., & Schwieger, V. (2023). Geometric Quality Assurance within the Research Cluster IntCDC. FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, USA. https://fig.net/resources/proceedings/fig_proceedings/fig2023/papers/pe_01/PE_01_zhang_balange_et_al_12021.pdf
  8. Balangé, L., Harmening, C., Duque Estrada, R., Menges, A., Neuner, H., & Schwieger, V. (2022). Monitoring the production process of lightweight fibrous structures using terrestrial laser scanning. 5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring, Valencia, Spain. https://doi.org/10.4995/JISDM2022.2022.13830
  9. Balangé, L., Zhang, L., & Schwieger, V. (2022). Qualitätssicherung im Rahmen des Exzellenzclusters IntCDC. 208. DVW-Seminar: Qualitätssicherung geodätischer Mess- und Auswerteverfahren, Berlin 2022, 2.-3.Juni.
  10. Frost, D., Gericke, O., Di Bari, R., Balangé, L., Zhang, L., Blagojevic, B., Nigl, D., Haag, P., Blandini, L., Jünger, H. C., Kropp, C., Leistner, P., Sawodny, O., Schwieger, V., & Sobek, W. (2022). Holistic Quality Model and Assessment - Supporting Decision-Making towards Sustainable Construction Using the Design and Production of Graded Concrete Components as an Example. Sustainability, 14(18), Article 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811269
  11. Gil-Pérez, M., Zechmeister, C., Kannenberg, F., Mindermann, P., Balangé, L., Guo, Y., Hügle, S., Gienger, A., Forster, D., Bischoff, M., Tarín, C., Middendorf, P., Schwieger, V., Gresser, G. T., Menges, A., & Knippers, J. (2022). Computational co-design framework for coreless wound fibre–polymer composite structures. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 9(2), Article 2. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcde/qwab081
  12. Schwieger, V., Zhang, L., Lerke, O., & Balangé, L. (2022). The Research Cluster Integrative Computational Design and Construction (IntCDC) – Current Engineering Geodetic Contribution. XXVII FIG Congress 2022, Warsaw, Poland.
  13. Wieser, A., Balangé, L., Bauer, P., Gehrmann, T., Hartmann, J., Holst, C., Jost, B., Kuhlmann, H., Lienhart, W., Maboudi, M., Mawas, K., Medić, T., Paffenholz, J.-A., Florian, P., Rafeld, E., Schill, F., & Schwieger, V. (2022). Erfahrungen aus einem koordinierten Vergleich aktueller Scanner. Beiträge zum 214. DVW-Seminar:  Terrestrisches Laserscanning 2022, Fulda, 8.- 9. Dez., TLS 2022. https://geodaesie.info/sr/terrestrisches-laserscanning-2022-tls-2022/8860/4870
  14. Balangé, L., Zhang, L., & Schwieger, V. (2021). First Step Towards the Technical Quality Concept for Integrative Computational Design and Construction. Contributions to International Conferences on Engineering Surveying, 118–127. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51953-7_10
  15. Wagner, H.-J., Aicher, S., Balangé, L., Basalla, U., Schwieger, V., & Menges, A. (2021). Qualities of the Unique: Accuracy and Process-Control Management in Project-based Robotic Timber Construction. World Conference on Timber Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 9.-12. August.
  16. Yang, Y., Balangé, L., Gericke, O., Schmeer, D., Zhang, L., Sobek, W., & Schwieger, V. (2021). Monitoring of the Production Process of Graded Concrete Component Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Remote Sensing, 13(9), Article 9. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13091622
  17. Zhang, L., Balangé, L., Braun, K., Di Bari, R., Horn, R., Hos, D., Kropp, C., Leistner, P., & Schwieger, V. (2020). Quality as Driver for Sustainable Construction - Holistic Quality Model and Assessment. Sustainability, 2020, 12(19), 7847. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12197847
Statistik und Fehlerlehre (Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Bachelor 2. Semester)
Statistik für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, Bachelor/Master)
Monitoring (GEOENGINE, 1.Semester)
Ingenieurgeodäsie I (Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Bachelor 5. Semester)
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