Dieses Bild zeigt Gabriel Kerekes

Gabriel Kerekes


Gruppenleitung 3D-Datenerfassung und Monitoring
Institut für Ingenieurgeodäsie Stuttgart
Fakultät 6: Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik und Geodäsie


Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D
70174 Stuttgart


  • Terrestrisches Laserscanning
  • Ingenieurvermessung
  • 3D-Datenerfassung und Monitoring 
  1. Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2024). An approach for considering the object surface properties in a TLS stochastic model. Journal of Applied Geodesy, 18, 115--131. https://doi.org/doi:10.1515/jag-2022-0032
  2. Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2024). Possibilities and Limitations in the extrinsic Synchronization of Observations from Networks of Robotic Total Stations. FIG Working Week Accra 2024.
  3. Kerekes, G. (2023). An elementary error model for terrestrial laser scanning [Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart]. In Deutsche Geodätische Kommission: Reihe C, Heft Nr. 900, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. https://dgk.badw.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Files/DGK/docs/c-900.pdf
  4. Hassan, A., Zhang, L., Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2022). Geodetic Data Fusion for Rock Cliff Monitoring: a Case Study of the Lianzi Cliff in Three Gorges National Geological Park in China. XXVII FIG Congress 2022, Warsaw, Poland. https://fig.net/resources/proceedings/fig_proceedings/fig2022/papers/ts04d/TS04D_hassan_zhang_et_al_11340.pdf
  5. Kerekes, G., Jakob, R., Harmening, C., Neuner, H., & Schwieger, V. (2022). Two-epoch TLS deformation analysis of a double curved wooden structure using approximating B-spline surfaces and fully-populated synthetic covariance matrices. 5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), 20-22 April 2022, Valencia, Spain. http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/JISDM/JISDM2022/paper/viewFile/13816/7605
  6. Kerekes, G., Petrš, J., Schwieger, V., & Dahy, H. (2022). Geometric quality control for bio-based building elements: Study case segmented experimental shell. Journal of Applied Geodesy. https://doi.org/doi:10.1515/jag-2020-0035
  7. Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2021). Towards Perceived Space Representation using Brain Activity, Eye-Tracking and Terrestrial Laser Scanning. In A. Basiri, G. Gartner, & H. Huang (Hrsg.), Contributions to International Conferences on Engineering Surveying (S. 57–68). https://doi.org/doi.org/10.34726/1788
  8. Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2021). Determining Variance-Covariance Matrices for Terrestrial Laser Scans: A Case Study of the Arch Dam Kops. In A. Kopácik, P. Kyrinovic, J. Erdélyi, R. Paar, & A. Marendić (Hrsg.), Contributions to International Conferences on Engineering Surveying (S. 57--68). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51953-7_5
  9. Raschhofer, J., Kerekes, G., Harmening, C., Neuner, H., & Schwieger, V. (2021). Estimating Control Points for B-Spline Surfaces Using Fully Populated Synthetic Variance–Covariance Matrices for TLS Point Clouds. Remote Sensing, 13(16), Article 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13163124
  10. Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2020). Elementary Error Model Applied to Terrestrial Laser Scanning Measurements: Study Case Arch Dam Kops. Mathematics 2020, Vol. 8(4) 593. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8040593
  11. Schwieger, V., Kerekes, G., & Lerke, O. (2020). Image-Based Target Detection and Tracking Using Image-Assisted Robotic Total Stations. In O. Sergiyenko, W. Flores-Fuentes, & P. Mercorelli (Hrsg.), Machine Vision and Navigation. Springer, Cham. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-22587-2_5
  12. Schwieger, V., Lerke, O., & Kerekes, G. (2019). Image-Based Target Detection and Tracking Using Image-Assisted Robotic Total Stations. FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 22.-26.04.
  13. Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2018). Position Determination of a Moving Reflector in Real Time by Robotic Total Station Angle Measurements. RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre, No 9 / 2018. https://jgcc.geoprevi.ro/docs/2018/9/jgcc_2018_no9_2.pdf
  14. Kerekes, G., & Schwieger, V. (2018). Kinematic Positioning in a Real Time Robotic Total Station Network System. 6th International Conference on Machine Control and Guidance. Berlin, Germany, Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte Heft 101, 35–43.
  15. Kerekes, G. (2013). Open Source 3D Modeling from Raster Images. Young Researchers Conference at the Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, In: Mathematical Modelling in Civil Engineering, Special Issue, 84–89. https://mcee.utcb.ro/images/doc/2013/Scientific_Journal_-_Special_issue_-_november_2013.pdf
  16. Kerekes, G. (2013). Open Source GIS Cartography for Small Scale Maps. - 8th National Student Symposium ‘’IF-IM-CAD’’. Journal of Young Scientist, Vol.I, Bucharest, Romania, 221–226. http://journalofyoungscientist.usamv.ro/index.php/scientific-papers/past-issues?id=370
  17. Kerekes, G. (2012). Geospatial analysis of a database for the first order geodetic network of Romania. Proceedings of “In Extenso” Scientific Student’s Communication Session, Alba Iulia, Romania.
Ingenieurgeodäsie I und II
(Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Bachelor 6. Semester)
Terrestrische Multisensorsysteme (Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, Master,  3. Semester)
Industrielle Messtechnik (Master Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, 1. Semester)
Integriertes Praktikum 
(Geodäsie und Geoinformatik, 6. Semester; GEOENGINE, 2. Semester)


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