QuCon Schriftzug unter stilisiertem Hausdach



Development of a Real Time Quality Support System for the Houses Construction Industry

The project QuCon (Development of a Real Time Quality Support System for the Houses Construction Industry) is concerned with the development of a real-time quality assurance system in the construction process for residential buildings. The main focus of the IIGS is the development of quality assurance indices for the construction process.

Project funding under the EU Cornet Program.

QuCon has developed a quality support system for the construction industry. The real-time system will allow SMEs to easily and quickly document processes in order to gain a picture of the current status and quality of construction work. The final project result is a software package that allows SMEs to assess the quality of construction work in real time and for further planning, for example with regard to subcontracting.
Construction process modeling

The construction process model provides the project manager with an overview. The model shows the interconnectedness and dependency between the trades and sub-processes. This makes the coordination and communication in the construction process easier.

The construction process model contains the so-called "checkpoints" at which the quality controls must be carried out.
The checkpoints are specified by means of individual "check items".
The inspector will inspect the quality by means of the inspection of the building using the check items and directly specify a quality code for the check items.

The quality indicator varies between 1 and 5 and is determined by the contract, the specifications and standards.

Real-time quality index:

A real-time quality index is calculated by the weighted average of the checkpoint's quality score.

The quality index of the checkpoints are again calculated from the weighted average of the quality indicators of the check items.
The calculation is based on the quality model and the key figure as well as the weighting


  • Zhang, L., Schwieger, V.: Ein Echtzeit-Qualitätskontrollsystem für Wohnhausbauprozesse. Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten, Jahrgang 118, Heft 11-12/2011, S. 368-380, 2011
  • Zhang, L., Schwieger, V.: Real Time Quality Assurance Indexes for Residential House Construction Processes. FIG Working Week, Marrakesch, Marokko, 18.-22.05.2011.
  • Schwieger, V, Zhang, L., Wengert, M.: A Quality Model for Residential Houses Construction Processes. XXIV FIG International Congress, Sydney, Australia, 11.-16.04.2010
  • Wengert, M., Schwieger, V.: Ein Qualitätsmodell für Wohnhausbauprozesse. 16. Internationaler Ingenieurvermessungskurs. München, 23.-27.02.2010.
  • Schwieger, V., Beetz, A., Wengert, M., Schweitzer, J.: Echtzeit-Integration ingenieurgeodätischer Messsysteme in Bauregelkreise. 16. Internationaler Ingenieurvermessungskurs. München, 23.-27.02.2010.
  • Final report - available via: Forschungsgemeinschaft Qualität e.V. (FQS), August-Schanz-Str. 21A, 60433 Frankfurt am Main
This image shows Li Zhang

Li Zhang


Senior Lecturer / Head of Section Quality Modelling and Sensor Fusion

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