Beside the measurement vehicle the hardware components of the Modular Positioning System (MOPSY) comprise measurement computer and several positioning sensors. MOPSY solves the tasks data acquisition, synchronisation, data management and evaluation including positioning estimation.
The data acquisition is realised using National Instruments Computers on the base of LabView modules. Among others measurement quantities of (PD)GNSS receivers, accelerometers, gyroscopes, differential odometers, optical speed and distance sensors as well as speed signals may be acquired and evaluated.
MOPSY may be adapted to individual positioning requirements; e.g. defined by Advanced Drive Assistance Systems (ADAS) or Location Based Services (LBS). Some Kalman filter approaches were developed at the institute within several projects that can be modified appropriate to specific requirements. Different sensors, which are available in the vehicle, can be integrated into the filter. MOPSY is the base for the investigations of the map-based and non-map-based positioning. The system can be used on railway tracks too.
The filter enables a smooth estimation of the vehicle position in cases of GNSS outliers or multipath environments. If GNSS outages occur, non-avoidable drift effects will occur that depend on driving dynamics and duration of the outage.
Typical results are better than 3 m for the positional standard deviation, if observations of low-cost sensors and DGPS are filtered.
- Schwieger, V., Hemmert, J.: Integration of a Multiple Antenna GNSS System and Supplementary Sensors. 1st International Conference on Machine Control and Guidance, Zürich, Schweiz, 24.-26-06.2008.
- Schwieger, V., Schollmeyer, R., Ramm, K.: Integrated Positioning by MOPSY. Proceedings on 5th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Hannover, 01.-03.06. 2005.
- Ramm, K., Schwieger, V.: Multisensorortung für Kraftfahrzeuge. In: Kinematische Messmethoden - Vermessung in Bewegung. Beiträge zum 58. DVW-Seminar am 17. und 18. Februar 2004 in Stuttgart, Wißner Verlag, Augsburg, 2004.
- Gläser, A., Schollmeyer, R.: Messwerterfassung und -synchronisation in Multisensorsystemen. In: Kinematische Messmethoden - Vermessung in Bewegung. Beiträge zum 58. DVW-Seminar am 17. und 18. Februar 2004 in Stuttgart, Wißner Verlag, Augsburg, 2004.
- Gläser, A., Schollmeyer, R.: Bordautonome Ortung von Schienenfahrzeugen. DGON-Symposium, TRANSPONDER 2003, Hannover 2003.
- Schollmeyer, R.: Modulares Messwerterfassungskonzept am Beispiel einer Bordautonomen Gleisvermessung. Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis, VIP 2003, Hüthig Verlag, München, 2003.

Volker Schwieger
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c.Director of the Institute