For the supply of FPD trajectories of active motorists are to be generated. For this purpose location algorithms are to be developed, combining methods of mobile phone location and map-aided positioning.
For identification of active motorists methods of cluster-generation, the analysis of time series and recursive filtering are applied. Furthermore geo-data were consulted in order to find more decision criteria by using logical linkages to the road network. Besides a selection of the active motorists the mobile phones were allocated to specific vehicle classes (car, lorry, bus, rail vehicle etc.).
The map matching technique defines the logical reference to the digitally stored road network and increases positioning quality. Therefore the method of shape-comparison (map matching) is used and expanded by methods of consideration multiple alternative routes and their statistical evaluation. The generated trajectories include the geometry with logical linkage to the road network, a chronological description, as well as a classification to the means of transportation.
All described activities are connected to a continuous, process accompanying quality management. Based on an appropriate quality model, all generated data and information within the whole process-chain are to be evaluated with respect to the quality aspect. These evaluations generate the basis for quality assurance arrangements for error detection and control, providing an adequate quality description of data for the use of FPD.
Furthermore the IIGS is significantly involved in the required specifications of various data models and interfaces, the transfer and filing of the mobile phone data, the assembling of the FPD-server, as well as the project evaluation.
Volker Schwieger
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c.Director of the Institute