The Institute of Engineering Geodesy Stuttgart (IIGS)
was founded in the year 1964 as Institute for Applications of Geodesy to Civil Engineering (IAGB) by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. sc. techn. h.c. Dr. h.c. Klaus Linkwitz, who was director of the institute until 1995. He was working together with the architect Frei Otto and thus involved the institute particularly in the field of form-finding of wide-span lightweight structures, such as the Olympic roof in Munich built in 1972 but also in geodetic and kinematic metrology.
In 1996 Prof. Linkwitz was followed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Möhlenbrink as director who created and established the new main field of activity ‘traffic information techniques’. Prof. Möhlenbrink was head of the institute until 2007.
Since 2010 the institute is under the new direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Volker Schwieger who renamed IAGB as Institute of Engineering Geodesy (IIGS) and incorporated it into the faculty of aerospace engineering and geodesy at the University of Stuttgart.
A list with the instiutes former staff can be found here.